Monday, July 11, 2016

Adobe Photoshop CC Help

Adobe Photoshope CC Help Center

Full Adobe Photoshop CC Tutorial

Additional Tools - Photoshop

Allows you to move around within the image.
Select the tool, click on the spot on the page, hold the mouse button down, drag to move in the area.

Drawing and Selection Tools - Photoshop

Select the type tool, click on the page and begin to type. You can specify the font and size in the Options bar. You can also resize and transform the text box by dragging the squares at the sides and corners. Use the Move Tool to move the text on the page.

Alteration Tools - Photoshop

Corrects small blemishes in scanned photos.
Select the tool, hold down the ALT key and left-click on the base color you need to heal. Then left-click over the blemish.

Selection Tools - Photoshop

MOVE - Used to select and move objects on the page.
Click the tool button, then click on any object on the page you wish to move.

Toolbox - Photoshop

If you used other Adobe products, such as Illustrator or InDesign, you should be familiar with the toolbox in Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 as it shares some of the tools from these applications. If you are a new user of Adobe products, you should keep in mind that you might not need to use all of the tools. In this tutorial, only the basic tools will be discussed in-depth.

Some tools in the toolbar have additional “hidden” tools. These tools have small black triangles in the righthand corner. To view the “hidden” tools, click and hold down on any tool that has a black triangle in the corner